Thursday, March 08, 2007

Christina Puchalski - On Being A Great Practitioner: Why A Patient's Spirituality Matters

This is the link to Christina Puchalski's address for Grand Rounds at UW
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On Being A Great Practitioner: Why A Patient's Spirituality Matters
Presenter: Christina Puchalski, MD
Sponsor: University of Wisconsin Hospital Spiritual Care Services
Date: 01/11/2007
Category: Spirituality
Tags: Spirituality, Professional practice

Summary: The University of Wisconsin Hospital Spiritual Care Services hosted
the Cancer Residency Grand Rounds on January 11, 2007. This event featured
Christina Puchalski, MD, a nationally recognized physician in the field of
spirituality and health. She is an associate professor in the Departments of
Medicine and Health Care Sciences at the George Washington University School
of Medicine, Washington, D.C. She also is the founder of the George
Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health.

  • Buy "Neighbors, Strangers and Everyone Else" a book by Rev John Brian Paprock