Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dialogue International Speaker Series: PEACE IN DIVERSITY, CHAOS & LIFE

Dialogue International Speaker Series

Rev. Fr. John Brian Paprock, priest and vicar, Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel
Fr. Paprock was ordained to the Orthodox priesthood in 1987 and continues to serve as a chaplain at area hospitals
and hospice.

Thursday, May 1st 5:30 pm
1111 Humanities (455 N. Park St.)
Madison, WI
Free Pizza

Organized by:
Dialogue International
Peace begins with understanding othersÂ…

God's world, the natural world and the world of human living seem to work against each other.
This talk will ask how can we find the way of peace in the diversity, chaos and high-powered life in this century.
What is the same and what is different from the age of the scriptures, the moment of creation and this present time?
Who made this mess? Why
is it allowed?
Free Pizza

From: Fikrullah KISA - Dialogue International
Subject: RE: DI honored to invite you as a speaker at one of our panels....

Your speech will be advertised on Badger Herald on this coming Wednesday. We will share it with our e-mail list as well. Please feel free to share the information with your congregation. We will serve pizza after your speech.

Peace be with you

  • Buy "Neighbors, Strangers and Everyone Else" a book by Rev John Brian Paprock